Friday, July 18, 2008

A Night to Laugh about and Remember

Most hilarious (and inappropriate?) presentation EVER in Princeton, West Virginia today.

It was a long, hard day anyway. Then for the presentation Criselda got up to talk about Blood:Water and couldn't stop laughing. She said, "we are trying to build 1,000 water wells in 1,000 different communities..." and started giggling so much that David had to take over. We laughed a lot with and at her... but some of the folks that came to hear us didn't. oops! (haha... they weren't upset, either, for the record).

Then some stories I can't take the time to tell here (haha!) but I will say that Don and Mike introduced themselves as each other... and good stories can come from that as well, lol. Oh, how I love this team!

We spent the evening talking about personality types. Specifically, Don is really into the Enneagram. I haven't really ever looked at it... so I started reading through the types and saw myself in a couple. I took the free 2-minute "test" and it was interesting... but I think I'm too tired to think about where I actually fit into it. Don pegged me straight away as a certain type... and I can see why, but I'm not sure I 100% agree with him. And b/c he already told me, I'm not sure if I'm just being biased!?!?! Anyone who reads this and knows me well familiar with it? I'd be interested in hearing what you think. (either here or send an email!) I plan to read through them tomorrow when I'm better rested (if that will actually be tomorrow?) and see how it goes. Things like this are so interesting... and yet it puts people in boxes sometimes too, so its hard to fully appreciate them. But who knows... I do love the Myers Briggs test!!!

1 week to DC. Crazy.

oh, and by the way... we're staying at First United Methodist Church of Princeton, West Virginia tonight. Awesome, generous, hospitable folks. LOVE them!
In UMC news, we have elected a new Bishop, Rev. Dr. Julius C. Trimble of East Ohio, at our North Central Jurisdictional Conference. He will be annointed on Sunday. Keeping that conference in thoughts and prayers, and wishing I could be there! (but I wouldn't miss this for anything!!!)

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