Friday, October 16, 2009

Arrival in South Africa

It took walking off of the plane and into the international airport in Johannesburg to make this move seem real.

It seems quite strange to say it, but there is a strange comfort that comes from a familiar smell, and as I walked off the plane and into the terminal this morning, I was welcomed with a familiar smell I had not sensed in two years. It was a delightful sensation that came over me as I began processing this move in a whole new way. It is becoming a reality, this calling I have sought after for so long. I am not just on a short-term mission journey as in the past, but I have finally made a move overseas for mission work. I shall reside in South Africa for the next 16 months. While I am certain I will someday look back and understand this as short-term as well, it is a huge step for today. What a great blessing to be able to share in this work in this beautiful country!

I have now arrived in Cape Town, and in a couple of hours my two sisters and roommates - Hannah and Rachel - will also arrive. I am excited for their arrival, and looking forward to settling in together. And yes - also looking forward to finding internet and phone so that I may let everyone (both folks at home and my friends I am excited to greet here!) know I have arrived safely. (this has been posted and back-dated to when written).

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