Monday, October 12, 2009

Group Credo

Over the past week, each missionary in my program has been asked to write a credo - I statement or expression of one’s believes that we seek to live by. It is a great privilege to be able take the time to respond to such a question from within a group as incredible as this one, to hear some of the things we believe articulated with such beauty and thoughtfulness. So upon the sharing of our Credos on this morning, we worked to combine the Credos we had each written individually into one we could all share in. We took one line from each person’s credo, then used this as a prayer and declaration of what we are being sent forth to do during our closing worship service. We both wrote it out and illustrated it. Together, we wrote:

These statements are rooted in our stories, unified to make this ever-changing credo.
We believe...
*There is beauty in nature, the simple, and the very complex.
*We are created to be in relationship and community.
*Rededicating ourselves to the long and bitter but beautiful struggle for a new world.
*There is unity in our own diversity.
*Grace is an invitation to be beautiful.
*Blessed is this life and we’re going to celebrate being alive!
*We can either stomp or sway in the struggle.
*There is love in the midst of fear.
*Struggle is where we learn the most.
*God is everywhere singing.
*Peace can happen through love.
*Life begins with joy, grows with love, and is rooted in grace.


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