Sunday, February 10, 2008

God Loves That Guy

In the past couple of weeks, I've really enjoyed listening to some new artists I've recently discovered. One song I've come across that has really impacted me has been "That Guy" by Andy Gullahorn. We're doing a sermon series on "Changes" at church right now, and having the kind of love that song talks about is a change I would love to see for my life- for all of our lives. What a different place our world would be... Next week we'll be singing this song in church, and I can only hope the words stick with the congregation as much as they have stuck with me.

Since I first suggested this song, I've been asked several times where I found it. Long story short, I found it through The Square Peg Alliance (I wrote more on that here), though I knew I'd heard it somewhere else before, and just wasn't sure where. Then tonight I did a YouTube search to see if there were any videos out there with this song, only to discover that my friend Karl made a video to it (explaining why the song was familiar- I'd seen it on his website before). This is a great video with an incredible display of the sad reality of our world... and our great need to reach beyond the sins and short-fallings of ourselves and those around us and into the world God has called us to: a world of love.

Teach me to love like that.

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