Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!


It is hard to believe it is 2008 already! 2007 was a phenomenal year for me, and I only hope 2008 can be better!

I spent my New Year’s Eve with friends over dinner, to the tune of live entertainment by our friend Andrew Collins.
After dinner, a few of us headed to downtown Chicago, arriving just in time to see the fireworks go off at midnight. It couldn’t have been more perfect… the snow was falling (also meaning it was warmer…), the park we went to watch in had virtually no tourists (they all went to the Pier) so it wasn’t busy… we walked, laughed, snapped a few photos, and smiled about all that is yet to come in the new year. It was beautiful and wonderful, and I would have wanted to spend it no other way.
As I am not big on making “New Year’s Resolutions,” I have only 2 desires for the coming year.
1- To keep living my life as fully as possible, making room for surprises and new possibilities to truly LIVE and explore the opportunities God places in front of me (whatever that may be). (This certainly came true last year, from traveling (South Africa, Niagara Falls, DC, etc- lots of new places!) to vocation (Holy Covenant, missions, Blood:Water volunteering), etc.)
2- To keep focusing on my health in positive ways. This includes everything from making sure I’m taking proper “me time” to continuing to go to the gym on a regular basis (at least 4 days a week!) and trying to eat healthy. Its not about dieting, etc.- its about a lifestyle change. For me, that change has meant I dropped 12 pounds since November 1, and I definitely haven’t been dieting!
The most important (global) event I keep thinking about for 2008? The presidential election in November. 384 Days until GW Bush is out of office forever!!!
I wish for you the very best in 2008!!!

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